Non-Cosmetic Reasons for Rhinoplasty
You may know rhinoplasty as the surgical procedure called a “nose job.” But in addition to altering the look of your nose, rhinoplasty can improve its function. Consider this: Each year surgeons perform more than 200,000 rhinoplasties, and you may find it surprising t...
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How Vestibular Rehabilitation Can Treat Vertigo
The inner ear and brain work together to process information related to balance and eye movement. This is called the vestibular system. Damage or disease can interfere with the normal function of the vestibular system. Inner ear and balance disorders cause a host of issues...
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When Your Child's Tonsils and Adenoids are a Problem
The adenoids and tonsils work together to trap germs and clear away infection. Typically, adenoids begin to shrink after age 5 and are virtually gone by adolescence. Problems with the adenoids and tonsils are common during childhood. They may swell even when there is no infection...
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Do You Suffer From Chronic Sinusitis? Balloon Sinuplasty May Be an Ideal Solution
For most people, a stuffy nose is a minor, brief nuisance experienced occasionally. For people with chronic sinusitis, nasal congestion is just one of the many bothersome symptoms that plague their daily lives. If you're one of the 40 million Americans living with the...
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When a Runny Nose Signals a Larger Problem
Anything that irritates your nasal tissues can cause a runny nose. If you have a cold or influenza, a runny nose comes with the territory. Under these circumstances, your runny nose resolves on its own as the infection runs its course. But a runny nose that fails to get bet...
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Understanding Thyroid Disease
An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, and many of them are unaware of it. If you've been diagnosed with thyroid disease, learn about your condition and treatment options to improve your symptoms and restore your quality of life.Thyroid functi...
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Consider Your Options for Sleep Apnea
If you often wake unrefreshed in the mornings and find that you're dragging yourself through your day, you could have sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that affects an estimated 22 million Americans. Because it occurs during sleep, most people are unaware that they’...
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Make Over Your Ears With Otoplasty
Otoplasty restores harmony and balance to your face by correcting the shape, size, or position of your ears. Anyone who is unhappy with the appearance of their ears may benefit from otoplasty. Our surgeons at Southern ENT Associates in southern Louisiana not only specialize...
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Do You Have These Symptoms of a Swallowing Disorder?
Nerve and muscle problems, injury, and certain cancers can cause problems swallowing. It may not cross your mind when you're enjoying a cold beverage or eating your favorite meal, but swallowing involves complex, coordinated muscle movements that control your throat...
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Are You Prepared for Sinus Surgery?
Sinus problems can make life miserable. Whether you have chronic sinusitis or polyps, surgery is often recommended if you have ongoing problems that fail to respond to conservative treatment. Surgery can remove abnormal tissue from the sinuses, drain the sinus passages, and...
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