Parents may joke about children having selective hearing, but what should you do if you suspect that your child does have a hearing problem? It’s natural to have some questions and concerns if your child is having trouble hearing.

When you have any concerns about your child’s hearing, make your first step a visit to a specialist. At Southern ENT Associates in Louisiana, our team of audiologists and ENT specialists diagnose and treat hearing loss in children and adults. 

We take the guesswork out of the equation by performing comprehensive testing, the results of which guide us in recommending the most appropriate course of treatment.

Does your child have hearing loss?

Issues with hearing in children can come in many forms. Some hearing problems are temporary, while others are permanent. As a parent, you should be aware of the signs of hearing loss in children. The sooner you notice a hearing impairment in your child, the better.

Hearing and copying the sounds of people around them is how children learn to speak. Even before they learn to speak, youngsters begin to learn about language and speech, so the sooner your child hears sound, the better. 

If your child has a hearing difficulty, utilizing a hearing aid and other communication alternatives from the start can help prevent speech delays and complications.

Signs and symptoms of hearing problems in children

If you suspect your child is having trouble hearing, look out for the following signs:

  • Fails to react to loud sounds
  • Doesn’t detect where sound is coming from
  • Doesn’t respond to voices
  • Turns the TV volume louder than normal
  • Responds sometimes but not other times
  • Asks you to repeat yourself
  • Seems as if they are not paying attention
  • Speaks loudly

Hearing loss in very young children can be difficult to detect. 

Causes of hearing loss in children

A variety of factors cause hearing issues in children. Hearing loss affects some children from birth, but in other cases, it develops later in life. Here are some of the causes.

Congenital hearing loss

The most common causes of congenital hearing loss include:

  • Certain infections during pregnancy
  • Premature birth
  • Maternal diabetes
  • Ear malformation

It isn’t always possible to determine the cause of congenital hearing loss. 

Acquired hearing loss

Hearing loss can strike at any point in your life. An accident or disease is a frequent cause. Acquired hearing loss can be the result of:

  • A serious brain injury
  • Repeated ear infections
  • Perforated ear drum
  • Fluid buildup in the middle ear
  • Certain infections (meningitis, chickenpox, and measles)
  • Certain medical conditions (Meniere’s disease)

Our team works to determine the underlying cause of your child’s hearing problems. 

What to do if your child is having trouble hearing 

If your child is having trouble hearing, the next step is to have your child’s hearing tested by a professional who specializes in hearing health and solutions. 

To get started, schedule a visit with one of our providers by calling the office nearest you. We have clinics in Thibodaux, Houma, Raceland, Morgan City, New Iberia, and Youngsville, Louisiana.

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