Like most people, you probably think of rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose job, as a cosmetic procedure. But rhinoplasty isn’t purely for aesthetic purposes. Having your nose reshaped can improve breathing problems as well.

Addressing breathing problems

Structural abnormalities are the most common causes of breathing impairment. A deviated septum is the No. 1 structural problem that can lead to issues breathing through your nose. The septum is a thin piece of cartilage that divides the nose into two chambers. When this structure is relatively centered, air easily flows through both sides.

A crooked or uneven septum makes one side narrower than the other, and it’s this imbalance that contributes to air flow issues. What’s more, you may be completely unaware that you have a deviated septum.

Most people have some deviation in their septum. Often the deviation is mild, causes no major problems, and requires no treatment. But if you have a significantly deviated septum, you may experience problems breathing through your nose, and that can lead to other health problems.

Symptoms of nasal breathing problems

The most common symptoms of nasal dysfunction are:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Problems breathing through one or both nostrils
  • Nasal headaches
  • Nasal pressure
  • Facial pain and pressure

Why does good nasal airflow matter?

The nasal passages not only deliver oxygen, they filter warm and cool air as it enters the nose and are an important part of respiratory function. Any obstruction to the nasal passages prevents proper nasal drainage and reduces the ability of air to flow through.

If you have a deviated septum, you have a higher chance of frequent nasal infections. The related breathing problems can interfere with sleep and cause obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where you experience frequent pauses in breathing during sleep. If you find yourself feeling tired during the day, sleep disturbance related to problems breathing may be the culprit.

What is rhinoplasty?

Functional rhinoplasty involves reshaping the nose to restore nasal airflow and proper drainage. This helps you breathe better. A septoplasty is surgery to correct a deviated septum specifically. During a septoplasty, your surgeon straightens the septum to allow for better airflow.

Other causes of breathing problems

Growths called nasal polyps can form in your sinuses and block airflow. They’re associated with frequent infections, allergies, and asthma. These soft, painless growths can sometimes grow large enough to interfere with normal airflow. Nasal surgery to remove problematic nasal polyps can improve your breathing.

Allergies are another major cause of breathing problems. Allergies can cause chronic nasal inflammation, making it difficult to breathe through your nose. At Southern ENT Associates, our surgeons use various surgical and non-surgical procedures to restore your breathing. 

Balloon sinuplasty is a noninvasive, nonsurgical procedure to open nasal passages. Your surgeon uses special instruments to insert and inflate a medical balloon to restructure your nasal tissues. The goal is for the nasal passages to remain open after the balloon is deflated and removed.

When should you see a doctor?

You don’t have to live with problems breathing through your nose. If you notice that you aren’t able to breathe effortlessly when you close your mouth and inhale deeply through your nose, it’s time to meet with a professional ear, nose, and throat specialist. 

Our team of otolaryngologists and head and neck surgeons get to the root cause of your breathing dysfunction and create a treatment plan that addresses your breathing issues so you can breathe better and feel better.

For an initial consultation, call one of our seven Southern ENT Associates locations, or request an appointment using our online form.

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