Ear Infection Complications That You Should Take Seriously
Ear infections are the most common illness for which parents take their children to the doctor. A common childhood condition, ear infections can occur so frequently that children and parents alike may take them in stride, treating subsequent incidents as “not that bad.&rdqu...
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What Can Happen if Sleep Apnea Goes Untreated
It's been a while since snoring was merely considered the funny sounds Grandpa made when he napped. We now know that snoring may be an indicator of a serious sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea.All snoring stems from tissue vibrating in the throat, and in some ca...
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When to Worry about Your Child's Sore Throat
The all-too-common sore throat is often part and parcel of a young child's life as they negotiate the myriad colds and allergens that await them in the world. But sometimes a sore throat is a sign of something more serious; you just need to recognize the red flags.Here at...
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What Every Parent Needs to Know About Ear Tube Surgery
Most babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and two years old suffer through an ear infection or two. While they may seem miserable at the time, these infections typically resolve themselves, restoring peace once again.If your child's ear infections are frequent...
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Balloon Sinuplasty is Helping Countless Sinusitis Sufferers Breath Again
Virtually everyone knows the stuffed-up feeling of blocked sinuses. It's part of the common cold and other respiratory infections. But when your symptoms endure for more than three months, you’re into the realm of chronic sinusitis, and your stuffiness is no longer a...
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What is the difference between rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty?
Chances are you seldom think about your nose — unless it's too large, too small, misshapen, or just doesn’t fit your face. Let’s face it, your nose has a prominent spot on your face. You can’t exactly hide it if you don’t like the way it looks...
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Preparing for Your Child’s Tonsillectomy
Located at the back of the throat, the tonsils are part of the body's lymphatic system. They trap and filter bacteria and viruses to help prevent infection. While tonsils are useful, some children experience repeated infections or other problems with their tonsils that nece...
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3 Most Common Causes of Vertigo
People with vertigo have a problem with their balance system and experience a sensation that their head or the environment around them is spinning or moving. These dizzy spells can be temporary or chronic.Persistent vertigo can have a major impact on your daily life and can lead...
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Suffering from Chronic Sinusitis? Learn More About Treatment Options
If you have sinusitis that comes on suddenly, you can often get relief from antibiotic medications. Sinusitis is considered a chronic condition when it lasts 12 weeks or more. Chronic sinusitis can make you feel miserable. Battling daily with severe congestion, sinus pain, reduce...
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Restoring a More Youthful Appearance with Facial Plastic Surgery
Let's face it: No one wants to look old, rundown, and tired — and thanks to facial plastic surgery, you no longer have to.A youthful facial appearance depends on a combination of factors: Skin volume Skin quality Facial structureA firm jawline, plump cheeks...
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